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Who Is a Good Candidate for Restylane?

With age, almost everyone suffers from wrinkling skin and sagging tissue in the face. But instead of struggling with low confidence and a negative self-image, you can come to the clinic and get treated. At Advanced Dermatology Center in Wolcott, CT, we offer a variety of fillers like Restylane, which can get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, recreate volume in the cheeks, and augment the patient’s lips.

Since fillers are not invasive and don’t require a lengthy stay at the hospital, almost everyone is eligible. It’s likely that you’re a good candidate if you’re past 30, in good health, and looking for a treatment that doesn’t require you to spend a lot of time recovering but still provides long-lasting results. Read on to find out more about the fillers we offer here at the clinic and how they could help you transform your appearance.

Who Should Get Restylane?

In the last years, the popularity of dermal fillers has increased immensely. People are living longer and more active lives, so they feel youthful well into their 40s, 50s, or even 60s. Unfortunately, the body often displays signs of aging even if the mind is still young. With cosmetic treatments, we can get rid of this mismatch and allow our patients to look the way they feel for much longer.

When you get in touch, we will ask you about your cosmetic concern and then come up with a customized plan. Since we use a wide variety of fillers, we can tailor your treatment to your needs. Some patients come to us looking for general rejuvenation, while others have a very specific issue they would like to address. As long as you’re in good general health, you’re eligible to experience the many benefits of fillers.

You’re in Your 30s or 40s

Many people contact us about fillers in their late 20s and early 30s. At that stage, we examine their face very carefully to determine whether treatment is necessary. It’s important to keep in mind that fillers need to be maintained on a regular basis, so beginning too early isn’t usually advisable. By the time patients are in their mid to late 30s or early 40s, they are usually displaying more significant symptoms of aging.

This is the perfect age to begin filler treatment, since almost everyone is still healthy enough to participate, and the wrinkles haven’t deepened to the point that they are difficult to address. What’s more, patients often have children who are slightly older and therefore able to take care of themselves or stay with a babysitter while their parent undergoes treatment.

You’re in Your 50s or 60s

The majority of our patients begin their filler treatments before they turn 50 and continue to have them approximately once a year throughout their 50s and 60s. But if you’re older and you’ve never come to the clinic before, you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out. It’s more than likely that you are still a good candidate and can participate in treatment.

However, you might have significant wrinkles, lines, and folds at this age, which means that both the dosage and frequency of treatment must be increased. Your provider might suggest several Restylane fillers or a combination of fillers and neuromodulators like Botox. That way, we can improve the overall appearance of your face in a balanced way.

You’re in Good Health

Unlike plastic surgery, almost every patient can have dermal fillers because they don’t require making incisions, removing tissue from the body, or undergoing general anesthesia. What’s more, the substance we use, hyaluronic acid, occurs naturally in many of your body’s tissues, so it won’t be rejected or cause allergies. Despite this, we will examine your health history closely before making any decisions.

Patients who have a condition that prevents them from healing or are taking medication that puts significant stress on the body might not be great candidates. Similarly, those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have an active infection in the treatment area should wait. If you’re not sure whether you’re eligible, you can give us a call and explain your situation. We can then either invite you to an initial consultation or suggest one of our other methods.

You Have Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The most common issue related to aging is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. There are several potential problem areas, including the nasolabial folds which run from your nose to your mouth, the marionette lines below your mouth, frown lines or horizontal forehead creases, crow’s feet at the outsides of the eyes, and smoker’s lines along the upper lip.

We offer a wide variety of fillers here at the clinic, and they all have different textures and consistencies. As a result, many of the above-named issues can be addressed. During your consultation, we will analyze your face and discuss which of our options is most appropriate for you.

You Have Lost Volume in the Face

For a long time, filler developers focused on creating products that can address lines and wrinkles, but they neglected other signs of aging. A particularly distressing and common issue is the loss of volume in the face. Many people experience hollow cheeks as they grow older, and this can make them look tired and older than they really are.

Fortunately, several filler brands have now created thicker gels that can support the tissues in patients’ cheeks. These products are highly effective, and they often last much longer than other injectables because of their high density. If you’re getting treatment for loss of volume, you might only need to come to the clinic every two years.

You Want to Augment Your Lips

In 2018, over two million lip augmentation treatments were performed, and the number is increasing every year. There are various reasons why people of all ages have their lips treated. Some might simply want to plump up their tissue, while others want to even out their shape or address issues such as gums that show when they smile.

There are several filler options for lip treatments. In the Restylane family, there are Silk and Kysse. The former is a more subtle option and therefore a good choice for patients who want understated results or those who are having lip augmentation for the first time. Kysse is slightly thicker, but it still provides natural-looking results. Patients who are older or have very thin lips could benefit from this option.

You Don’t Have Time for an Invasive Treatment

Many people put off cosmetic treatments because they lead busy lives and believe that they won’t be able to commit enough time to their sessions. But while it’s true that plastic surgery takes many hours and requires significant downtime, this isn’t the case for dermal fillers. After the initial consultation, most patients only come to see us once or twice a year, and each appointment lasts for just 45-60 minutes.

You won’t have to take any time off work and can resume almost all activities the day after your treatment. In fact, some patients come to see us during their lunch break and go straight back to their jobs. Therefore, fillers are a great option for anyone who has a demanding job or small children. In addition, it is also more cost-effective than surgery, which is why more and more people are choosing injectables over a facelift.

You Want a Long-Lasting Filler

When you get treated with Botox, you will need to return to the clinic three to four times a year for maintenance appointments. Dermal fillers are almost always more long-lasting, but certain Juvederm injections require a top-up every six to twelve months. By opting for a Restylane treatment, you can significantly cut down the number of sessions you need, since results remain fresh for well over 12 months.

Your provider will speak to you about how you can further augment your outcome and make sure you get the best result possible. For example, they might mention protecting your face from the sun, applying sunscreen, drinking plenty of water to support the filler’s hydrating effect, eating a healthy diet that includes vital nutrients, and exercising regularly to keep the blood flowing.

How Can I Get Started?

The best way to begin is to call or message your local clinic and ask for an initial consultation. Aside from fillers, we offer many minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, including neuromodulators, facials and peels, thread lifts, microneedling, and dermaplaning. During your first meeting, we can speak about your goals and then come up with a treatment plan that fits your needs.

If this includes dermal fillers, we will let you know how to prepare for your appointment. There isn’t much to do, but you will need to stop taking blood-thinning medications like NSAIDs, avoid waxing, bleaching, or tweezing your face, and stop drinking alcohol 24 hours before the session. It’s also important to keep away from direct sunlight since you’ll have to cancel your appointment if you get sunburned.

What Does the Appointment at the Clinic Involve?

When you get to the clinic, your provider will first apply numbing cream or a local anesthetic to make sure you’ll be comfortable during treatment. Then, they will mark the injection sites and inject the hyaluronic acid filler under your skin. The whole session shouldn’t take more than an hour, and most patients can leave straight away.

After your treatment, you can resume your work and regular activities, but you should avoid direct sunlight, taking blood-thinning medications, and any activities that heat up your skin too much such as strenuous exercise or visiting a sauna. Your results will begin to appear almost straight away, but your facial features will continue to change and improve for several weeks or months as the hyaluronic acid does its job.

Get Rid of the First Signs of Aging Now

Aging is a universal phenomenon, but that doesn’t make it easier to deal with. Patients experiencing wrinkling, sagging, and a loss of volume in their face often feel more self-conscious about their appearance. If you’re in your 30s or older, in good health, and interested in a minimally invasive treatment, Restylane could be an excellent choice for you.

This filler comes in many shapes and forms and can therefore address a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. Aside from treating the signs of aging, it can also augment your lips and allow you to achieve the pout you’ve always dreamed of. Get in touch with us now at Advanced Dermatology Center in Wolcott, CT and ask for an appointment with one of our providers. We can come up with a customized treatment plan that allows you to regain your natural beauty.

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