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How Quickly Does Botox Work?

Botox has proven its worth and remains one of the most popular cosmetic injectables available. If you’re battling signs of aging skin, our team at Advanced Dermatology Center of Wolcott, CT, can help with a range of treatments. Today we’re going over some common questions we get about this versatile and effective treatment option.

How Quickly Does Botox Work?

It Can Work Within a Few Days

In general, most patients will start to notice results within just a few days after their treatment. That said, it’s important to note that each patient is an individual, and as such, some patients have to wait a bit longer to notice results from Botox.

If you don’t see results within the first week, that doesn’t mean it didn’t work. Some patients worry that they need a touch-up if they don’t see results right away, but that isn’t usually necessary. By two weeks you should be able to clearly see your treatment at work, and start to enjoy the maximum results.

How Long Does It Last?

This long-lasting treatment often provides powerful results for four to six months. Several things can affect the lifespan of your treatment, including the severity of the treated wrinkles and what area of the face received treatment. Larger units generally provide longer results than smaller units, for instance.

When we team up with you, we will put our skill and experience to use and help you better understand what you can expect for your unique needs. After we better understand your goals, we’ll be able to help set you up for effective results and lasting success.

How Often Can I Get Follow-Up Treatments?

Since results can last four to six months, some patients choose to schedule their next appointment once they notice their results wearing off. Other patients prefer to have a consistent schedule to stay on top of their results. It all depends on your goals and desires. We would be happy to talk with you and set up a treatment timeline that works for your needs and your schedule.

Regular Treatments May Make Results Last Longer

Starting off with a regular treatment schedule may enable you to seek out less frequent treatments down the road. This might sound contradictory, but it actually makes sense when you understand how Botox works.

Since this injection relaxes the facial muscles, regular treatments can help these muscles “remember” their relaxed state and remain that way for longer. Less muscle contractions means less noticeable wrinkles. This effect can significantly soften your lines and wrinkles and aid in the treatment’s long-term effectiveness.

How Does It Work?

We’ve covered that this treatment works through muscle relaxation, but many patients are curious how it’s able to relax the muscles, and why this relaxation is effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The human face is almost always making some kind of expression, even subconsciously. Depending on what we’re doing or how we’re feeling, our muscles can tense up and relax countless times throughout the day. Contractions from your facial muscles are responsible for every expression you make.

As our skin ages, it loses elasticity. The more expressions we make, the more dynamic lines and wrinkles can be exaggerated until they take up a permanent residence. This injection is able to block the nerve communication that tells your muscles to contract. With no “orders” to act on, the muscles are able to smooth over, thus smoothing the overlying skin as well.

What Can It Be Used For?

Dynamic Wrinkles and Lines

Dynamic wrinkles or lines form due to facial expressions. Static wrinkles, on the other hand, are mostly attributed to sun damage and the effects of age. If you have dynamic wrinkles that you’d like addressed, this injection could be a great option. If you have static wrinkles, we offer other treatments such as dermal fillers that could help you with those.

If you’re wondering what type of wrinkles are considered dynamic, we’ll go through some of the most common areas Botox is used for.

Crow’s Feet

These lines appear at the outer corners of the eyes. You may know them as crow’s feet or laugh lines. Squinting or laughter can make them more prominent, and they often are one of the earliest dynamic lines to make their appearance. By relaxing the muscles in this area, the appearance of these lines can be smoothed out.

Frown Lines

One of the most common areas that can be treated is frown lines. When you furrow your brow, there are vertical lines that appear between your eyebrows. Over time, those lines can become permanent even when your face is at rest. Many patients dislike these lines as they feel it can make them look stern or serious. Relaxing these lines can help open up and soften your facial expressions.

Forehead Lines

Years of raising our eyebrows can leave horizontal lines etched across our foreheads. This treatment is a very effective way to reduce forehead lines.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines can be little horizontal or vertical lines around your nose. When you scrunch up your nose you’ll be able to see them more clearly. As with other dynamic lines, bunny lines can become permanent. If your bunny lines are bugging you, this treatment can help iron them out.

Am I a Good Candidate?

This Treatment Works on a Range of Ages

Before treatment, we’ll go over your health and your needs to determine if this is a good call for you. In general, this treatment can be a good fit for a wide range of people and ages.

Patients who are over 18 may seek out cosmetic injections as a way to help delay the formation of wrinkles in key areas. Patients who already have dynamic wrinkles often seek out treatment to feel more confident and youthful.

It’s Not Just for Women

People of all genders seek out this treatment as a way to improve the appearance of their wrinkles and help them feel more comfortable in their skin. When it comes to cosmetic treatments, some people assume that it’s only for women. That’s simply not true, and our team is happy to help our patients reach their cosmetic goals regardless of their gender.

Can It Be Combined With Other Treatments?

One reason this injection is so versatile is due to its ability to be paired with other treatments. Combining Botox with dermal fillers is sometimes referred to as a liquid facelift. It can provide many of the same results as a facelift without the downsides or price tag associated with surgery.

This approach helps tackle both dynamic and static wrinkles at the same time, while gently smoothing your features and restoring a youthful volume and texture to the face.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are able to support and complement your face’s natural structure. These gels are used to fill in parts of the face that have lost volume, which helps to smooth out your skin at the same time. They can also be used to contour your face, and fill in static lines and wrinkles. A softer, more youthful appearance is the goal when using dermal fillers.

Some Fillers Can Stimulate Collagen Production

Certain fillers are even designed to stimulate your skin’s natural collagen levels. A loss of collagen is one of the leading causes behind aging skin. One we leave our early twenties behind, collagen production starts to decrease yearly. Since collagen is one of the natural ingredients your skin needs to rebuild and regenerate itself, falling behind on collagen production means your skin starts to show more signs of aging.

Fillers like Sculptra are an excellent option for these patients. It can not only help improve cosmetic concerns, but can help support the overall health of your skin. Results from fillers can last for months or even years depending on the type of filler that’s used.

Which Filler Should I Pick?

Each dermal filler we offer has different formulations and different benefits. These fillers include:

  • Juvederm
  • Restylane
  • Sculptra
  • Radiesse

The right type of filler depends on your needs. If you want immediate results, Juvederm and Restylane can be used for very quick benefits. This can be a perk for patients who want to look their best for an upcoming event. On the other hand a slower acting filler like Sculptra can provide results that last longer. A skin evaluation can help us give you advice about which filler we think is a good fit for you.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers?

If you’re over 18 and notice an age-related decline in your facial volume, you could be a good candidate for dermal fillers. Age-related volume concerns can include hollows in the face, or a loss of definition in your features. Dermal fillers can be used for all skin types and tones, as long as your skin is generally healthy.

Specific Concerns Dermal Fillers Can Treat

Contour Restoration

If you’ve lost some of your face’s natural contouring or want to create more of a contour, dermal fillers can be a great tool for the job. Whether you want cheek contouring, jawline contouring, or both, this treatment can be used to help shape your face to your preference.

Facial Folds

A fold is a type of deeper wrinkle. The skin on either side of the fold forms an indent that can deepen when you smile and tends to get more pronounced with age. True to their name, fillers help fill in these folds, thus reducing their severity.

Fine Lines

Dermal fillers can fill in fine lines as well as deep ones. This is great news for patients who want to address several concerns at once.

Hollows Under the Eyes

No matter how much rest they get or coffee they drink, hollows under the eyes can leave a patient looking more tired than they feel. Filling in the hollows can help restore a more alert expression.

The Hands, Arms, and Knees

Volume loss can affect the hands just as much as it affects the face. Restoring volume to the hands can help them appear more youthful. Other areas of the body such as your arms and knees can also be treated for the same reason.

Our Team Would Be Happy To Answer Your Questions

We know how important it is to be educated about your treatment options and feel confident that you’re making the right call. One reason we offer a range of options is so we can find a good fit for as many patients as possible. If you’d like to learn more about these treatments or the process as a whole, reach out to us at Advanced Dermatology Center of Wolcott, CT, to get your consultation set up.

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