Hair has a way of growing – and growing and growing some more after that. In fact, hair growth is a constant cycle that never really stops for any of the hair follicles on your body, including the peach fuzz you might not pay any attention to. The problem with constant hair growth is the fact that you never really get a reprieve from it, which can be frustrating if you have dark and thick hair. However, at the Advanced Dermatology Center in Wolcott, CT we know the solution to this problem is laser hair removal.
Should You Consider Laser Hair Removal Soprano Ice Platinum Laser?
Laser hair removal treatments have become more popular in recent years for several reasons, the main one being the tantalizing promise of never needing to shave again. This alone is enough for many people to seriously consider laser treatments for hair removal.
At Advanced Dermatology Center, we specialize in laser hair removal soprano ice platinum laser, a state of the art laser treatment that inhibits hair growth by combining three different wavelengths of light energy. The multiple wavelengths ensure each hair follicle is exposed to the ideal amount of laser energy to slow or eliminate hair growth.
Laser Hair Removal FAQ
1. How Does This Treatment Work?
All laser hair removal treatments work based on the same basic method, which is using the pigment of your hair to target follicles. The laser is programmed to emit energy when it comes across pigment that is different than your skin tone, which is generally the pigment of your body hair and the attached hair follicle.
The main theory behind this treatment is that repeated exposure to the thermal energy associated with light lasers causes enough controlled damage to the hair follicle that the follicle is no longer able to grow hair, or grows hair more slowly.
2. Will You Need Multiple Treatments?
Yes. Inhibiting the growth of your hair will require multiple treatments. It’s generally recommended that your initial round of treatments will involve about four to six treatment appointments spaced about six weeks apart.
The number of treatments you will require will depend on the quality of your hair, the amount of hair you wish to remove, and how well your follicles respond to treatment. Some patients require more treatment appointments than others.
3. How Long Do Results Last?
The results of this treatment are intended to permanently inhibit the growth of hair, which means the results should last several years at a time or even a lifetime.
At the beginning of your treatment, however, you may find that your treatment results only last for six to eight weeks at a time. By the time you finish your main round of treatment, hair growth should be fully inhibited. About 90% of people report permanently slow hair growth following treatment.
4. How Soon Can You See Results?
You can start seeing the results from these treatments sometime after your second appointment, usually between eight and 12 weeks after you start treatment. You may see results more quickly if you have a small to moderate amount of hair; those who have thicker hair may require additional treatments to see desired results because there are more follicles to treat.
5. What Are Your Pre and Post Care Instructions?
We will provide you with instructions to follow to help you prepare for your treatment and ensure you get the best possible results after your treatment. Your pre-care instructions will include:
- Completely shave treatment area 24 hours before appointment
- Do not wax or tweeze before appointment
- Do not wear lotions or perfumes to appointment
- Avoid acid and retinol products
- Do not exfoliate the skin
Your post-care instructions will need to be followed for at least five to seven days. Some of these post-care instructions will include:
- Use gentle cleansers
- No waxing, tweezing, or exfoliating
- Use gentle moisturizers
- No make-up, lotions, perfumes, or deodorants for 24 hours
- Avoid excessive heat and sweating
- Do not be exposed to direct sunlight
- Always use SPF 30 or higher
- Only use tepid or lukewarm water
6. Is There a Recovery Time?
Not really. Although you will need to follow your post-care instructions closely, there isn’t any recovery or downtime associated with this treatment. You will be able to return to most of your normal daily activities after your treatment is over, including driving yourself home and going back to work.
7. Is There a Best Time for Treatment?
Yes and no. Although you can have this treatment during any time of the year, many patients opt to have this treatment during the fall and winter months where there is less risk of sun exposure. If you are seeking this treatment in preparation for a special life event, or even just gearing up for the summer months, then you will want to schedule your first treatment appointments about six months ahead of time to enjoy the full benefit of the treatment during your planned occasion.
Some patients may also want to consider scheduling laser hair removal treatments around other cosmetic treatments. For example, you cannot use chemical peels or other treatments, such as microneedling, while you are undergoing your round of hair removal treatments. This is because your skin can only tolerate being exposed to one type of irritant at a time. Please discuss your treatment options so we can schedule your treatments in a way that allows you to reach all of your aesthetic goals.
8. What Are Common Reasons for This Treatment?
There are many reasons why patients seek this treatment, such as for purely cosmetic reasons like ridding yourself of dark or thick hair on the body or to wear clothes more easily. Each patient has unique needs and reasons to consider permanent hair removal, but the most common reasons include:
Shaving can be a time-consuming and constant task. Many women shave multiple times a week to keep up with hair growth and maintain their desired aesthetic appearance.
And if it isn’t shaving, then it’s special waxing appointments that have to be repeated every few weeks. The convenience of having slower or reduced hair growth means your beauty routine is simplified.
Slow Hair Growth
If you have thick or dark patches of hair, or hair that grows very quickly, then you might consider this treatment as a way to “thin the forest”. It’s common for hormones to cause faster hair growth in women, and hormones can likewise determine the thickness and darkness of the hair that is growing.
Avoid Rashes and Burns
Whether it’s shaving, waxing, tweezing, or using creams for hair removal, each of these hair removal methods has certain downsides – mostly skin irritation, rashes, and burns.
Razor burn can make the skin red, bumpy, and itchy, while irritation from waxing can be painful. Those with sensitive skin may have more drastic negative side effects from traditional hair removal techniques, including hyperpigmentation.
9. What Are the Benefits of This Treatment?
The benefits of laser hair removal ct are seemingly endless. In addition to being a convenient way to slow hair growth and save you from weekly razor burn, some benefits of this treatment include:
This treatment can be used on virtually any area of the body that has hair dark enough to be detected by the laser. This means you can use this treatment on any facial hair, arm and underarm hair, the hair on the stomach, the bikini area, and the legs.
This amount of versatility is unmatched by traditional methods, such as tweezing. In fact, the only area of the body that cannot be treated with for hair removal is the area around the eyes.
Treats Large Areas
Laser treatments for hair removal can treat vast amounts of hair follicles at one time and it can do it very quickly, usually within 30 minutes or less. The ability to treat multiple large areas during one appointment makes it much easier to achieve your desired results at one time.
More Comfortable
Waxing hurts no matter what anyone says, tweezing is uncomfortable, and shaving can cause painful skin irritation. Laser treatments for hair removal, on the other hand, are very comfortable.
Many treatments involve prepping the skin with cooling gel or taking breaks between large treatment areas to ensure patient comfort.
Eliminate Ingrown Hairs
One of the lesser-known benefits for this treatment is the fact that it can correct and even eliminate ingrown hairs. This is because ingrown hairs are caused by hair that grows incorrectly out of hair follicles, which is what leads to the bumps, irritation, and infections.
Under attention from a laser, these ingrown hairs are taught how to grow in straight, which ultimately eliminates any ingrown hairs in the future.
10. Is This Treatment Safe for All Skin Types and Tones?
Yes, this treatment is generally safe for all skin types and skin tones because of the type of light wavelengths it uses to inhibit hair growth. However, it’s sometimes the case that hair removal with lasers is more difficult to perform on darker complexions because of the way the laser works.
We will be able to assess whether your hair pigment and skin tone are compatible with this treatment during your consultation appointment.
11. Can You Have This Treatment if You Have Tattoos?
Yes and no. If you do not have tattoos on areas where you want to inhibit hair growth, then there is no reason you can’t have this treatment. However, if you have tattoos on the area you wish to treat, then you will not be able to have this treatment without damaging your tattoo.
12. Does This Treatment Hurt?
At most, many patients report feeling a tingling or gentle heat during the treatment. Any minor discomfort associated with laser treatments is infinitely briefer than with other hair removal methods. This is because you only have to endure a certain amount of treatment appointments before you achieve your results, and then you’re done; with other hair removal methods, you have to continually endure pain as hair grows back again and again.
13. Are You a Good Candidate?
The majority of candidates who are interested in permanently reducing or inhibiting the growth of body hair are likely good candidates for this treatment. Laser treatments for hair removal can be used on virtually any area of the body with little discomfort. There are very few restrictions associated with this treatment.
You will need to attend a consultation to determine your eligibility but you may be a good candidate if you want to remove:
- Dark hair
- Thick hair
- Unwanted hair
Simplify Your Beauty Routine With Laser Hair Removal
It’s time to say good-bye to razor burn, knicks, and painful waxing and tweezing. You have a better – and permanent – solution to removing unwanted body hair. If you think that laser hair removal is right for your aesthetic needs, contact Advanced Dermatology Center in Wolcott, CT to schedule your consultation today.